  • All repeats, DC and DS marks should be observed (unless the syllabus specifies otherwise)
  • For the recital section of the exam, the candidate should introduce each piece they are about to perform by stating its title.
  • The candidate should be asked to play all of the scales and arpeggios set on the syllabus during the exam.
  • The candidate should be asked to play all of the required technical exercises (as set on the syllabus) during the exam.
  • The teacher may help the candidate tune up before the exam begins. This should be done before starting the recording.
  • The composer’s dynamics, phrasing etc should be observed in the pieces presented for the recital section of the exam. However, any editorial markings may be altered to allow for a personal interpretation.
  • The study (part of the technical section for many instruments) should be performed exactly as marked in the music with no changes to the tempo, dynamics, articulation, phrasing etc.
  • When delivering the reading skills exercises, please state which exercise the candidate is about to attempt.
  • Following the candidate’s response to each element of the sung aural tests (when this option is selected) the teacher/assessor should immediately play the correct answer.
  • The teacher/assessor is encouraged to speak to the candidate during the exam to put them at ease or to help them understand what is being requested.
  • The recording should not be turned off at any point during the exam until all elements of the assessment have been completed.
  • Candidates are encouraged to practice the sung aural tests or duet (listening skills) and reading skills tests as part of their preparation prior to taking the examination (where relevant).
  • For the duet option (if selected), the other part (i.e. not the candidate) may be performed on any instrument from the same family (wind/brass/strings etc) and octave transpositions made as necessary. It may also be played by the teacher, another pupil or any suitable player.
  • If you require clarification of any other issues, please email or phone our customer services (please see the website – contact us).

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