
Our exams are recorded in audio or video with our app, submitted online and marked by our specialist examiners. Once the result is confirmed a certificate is then awarded.

Exam Steps

Step 1: Download a syllabus (press + for details)

Go to the syllabus page, select your instrument, download the required grade and its associated resources (if applicable). Please note that free choice pieces are also now available for all instruments.

Syllabuses Free Choice Pieces Guidance

Step 2: Register or login

To enter or submit a candidate, you will first need to register on our website.

There are three registration options for our users. All three user types can purchase books, enter and submit exams with MTB.

  • An Individual User: Candidates/parents or any other general users should use this sign up option.
  • An Individual Music Teacher: This user type is a centre allowing you to officiate and offer MTB exams to your students.
  • An Organisation: This user type is a centre allowing you and your staff to officiate and offer MTB exams to your students.

Centres: oversee an exam and also receive the exam marksheet and certificate (certificates can be sent directly to the candidate if preferred).

  • UK Centres: UK centres are authorised to conduct audio or video examinations for their students.
  • International Centres: MTB exams can be taken anywhere in the world, so there are no restrictions on signing up as a centre to offer our exams in any region. All international centres are authorised for video examinations. International centres that wish to also offer audio examinations should complete an additional application form.*

Sign Up   Sign Up Guidance

  • *The organisation audio application form can be downloaded here.
  • *The individual teacher audio application form can be downloaded here.

Step 3: Make an exam entry

Once logged in you will be able to enter an MTB exam via the make an entry page. The exam entry and payment can either be made by the teacher/school or directly by the candidate/candidate’s parents.

Once the entry has been made, the exam entry will appear on your exam portal found on the top right of the site. The exam portal shows all of your exams and you will be able to check your exam details and download your exam front cover here, which provides instructions for taking the exam. The exam entry and front cover will appear on the exam portal of whoever makes the entry and if a centre is selected, then it also appears on the centre exam portal.

On the make an entry page we ask you to enter the following:

  • Instrument, Grade, Candidate Name, Candidate Date of Birth, Teacher Name (If applicable), Does the exam contain jazz improvisation?
  • Is this a Practical Grade or a Performance Grade? Please note all performance grades are videoed regardless of the options selected below.
  • Is this candidate studying with an MTB registered teacher or organisation (centre)?
    • Selecting ‘Yes’ will display a box where you will need to enter the centre number* of the teacher/organisation you are studying with. The centre will see the exam & front cover on their exam portal and will receive a copy of the marksheet.
    • Selecting ‘No’ means the exam is being taken by a self-learner with no centre associated with it.
  • Is this teacher/ organisation going to be present during the exam either in person or remotely?
    • Selecting ‘Yes’ means your teacher/centre representative will be present during the recording of the exam, either in person or remotely to verify your identity.
    • Selecting ‘No’ means your teacher/centre representative will not be present during the recording of the exam.
  • Exam Format: Selecting ‘No’ to either of the above questions will mean you are assigned a video exam as there will be no centre overseeing the exam to verify the candidate’s identity. If ‘Yes’ is selected for both questions then your exam format depends on whether you are taking the exam with an audio or video approved centre. The exam entry page lists what exam format is assigned based on your answers.
  • Certificate Postage Address: If there is no teacher/centre present there will be the opportunity to enter the certificate postage address. If the exam is being conducted with a teacher/centre then the certificate postage address fields will appear. However, if the centre has requested for the certificates to go directly to them, then the certificate postage fields will not appear.

International Users: Please note there is an additional charge for certificate delivery outside of the UK.

*Centre’s can find their centre numbers on their account page. Entries made using a centre number will generate a front cover and exam on the centre exam portal as well as on the exam portal of the person making the entry (if they are not the same person). So if you are a centre and have parents/candidates making entries then you will also be able to see the exams & front covers in your portal. The candidate marksheet will also be sent to both the person entering and the centre email address.

Make an entry

Step 4: Conduct the exam with your teacher

An MTB exam can either be conducted by a registered teacher/centre or the candidate can conduct the exam themselves without a teacher/centre present.  On entry you will be asked to confirm one of these two options.

The easiest way to conduct and record an MTB exam is with our app, which allows you to record an exam in audio or video, photograph the music and submit the exam with just a phone or tablet. To learn more about the app click here.

You can also record the exam through any other means and submit the recording through the website.

An exam can be conducted by a teacher/centre either in person or remotely via webcam. The exam can be recorded and submitted on our app by either the teacher or candidate/candidate’s guardian.  It is important that the device recording the exam using our app is always in the room with the candidate playing to ensure the quality of the recording. Therefore if the teacher is conducting the exam remotely the candidate/candidate’s guardian must record the exam.

A printed or digital copy of the front cover is required for the exam. The teacher and candidate/candidate’s guardian should verbally read out and agree the verification statement at the end of the exam.

The exam can be taken at any time within a year of entry. (You may decide to conduct the exam during the pupil’s normal lesson time).

We have produced a helpful guidance document for parents and learners on taking an MTB exam here: MTB Parent & Learner Guide

Recording advice    Taking the exam

Step 5: Submit the exam

You can submit your exam recording using our new app or via our website if the MTB app was not used to record the exam.  You will need the exam reference number and candidate date of birth when making the submission. You will also need to provide a copy of any music used in the exam.

Upon submission the exam will then be marked by one of our specialist examiners. We have specialist examiners for each instrument we offer. For example, a piano exam will only be marked by a pianist, a violin exam by a violinist. 

Submit Exam

Step 6: Receive your mark & certificate

You will receive the result and exam marksheet via email within approximately 2 weeks of submission.* You can monitor the status of your exam via the exam portal.

The certificate will be posted 4-6 weeks after you receive your marksheet.** 

The certificate will be posted to the address provided in the exam entry. Some centres request that certificates go directly to them, in which case no certificate postage address will have been provided at entry and the candidate should liaise with their centre to receive their certificate.

* The result at this stage will be provisional, results are confirmed upon receipt of your certificate. Exam results may on occasion take longer than 2 weeks during busy periods or for Diploma exams which involve two markers.

**Certificates are awarded for candidates achieving pass/merit/distinction. Candidates achieving Blue or white will receive a marksheet only.

We have produced a helpful guidance document for parents and learners on MTB exams which is available to download here:  MTB Parent & Learner Guide
Need more information? Attend one of our free webinars.

Free personal webinars are available for new and existing teachers, schools and organisations who are planning to conduct an MTB exam. A member of our team will provide: an overview of the exam entry and submission process, exam types and syllabuses, Interactive Music Theory, the MTB App and answer any questions you may have.  Alternatively, if you have a more specific area you need support with then the session can focus on just showing you the specific aspect of our system requested.  To learn more or book a webinar click here.

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